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First, we need understand the bad news. The scriptures tell us that all have sinned and fall short of the perfect standard found in God alone (Romans 3.23). The other bad news is that the penalty for this is eternal death (Romans 6.23). 


However, the good news is that even though we are sinners, the Lord Jesus died on our behalf (Romans 5.8). He became a substitute in our place to take the penalty of death upon himself. He was then buried and raised from the dead three days later. The other good news is that the salvation that he achieved by his grace in this act is available to us when we put our full trust in who Jesus is and what he alone has done (Ephesians 2.8-9). 


When we put our full trust in him alone, and not in any of the completely insufficient things we have done to merit anything, we are identified with him in his death, burial, and resurrection and are therefore able to enter his kingdom forever.


If you want to trust in and follow Jesus, we would be blessed to walk alongside you as part of the fellowship of Jesus to encourage, equip, and build you up to make the glory and salvation of the Lord known to others. 



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